Friday, February 8, 2008

Blog 5 - Thunder Twice

The storm clouds rage with terror raining like i have no sorrow and have no feeling. The waves of the beach crashing injuring the shore with every striking blow. When i heard the news i was sad yet happy. All the clouds were going to fade away. All the clouds were in the past now. The thunder comes now making a loud ROAR. The rain pours harder. The wind blows as if it were to last forever. The sun hides beneath the clouds like turtles in their shells. The sun will never rise again, the clouds are to thick. Birds flying south, because the winter has just hit it's coldest. As i look around i see more waves crash onto the sandy beaches each time doing more damage then the last. The coldness of that day was worst then before. Hoping to have a good day on the beach the suns to turn Cold. Same time i heard that news the thunder came making the storm worst. Is it always this dark? When the Sun meets worlds end, and the clouds meet an endless cycle.

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